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Thursday, May 17, 2012

101111 vs 111111

sekadar gambar hiasan ^^

What is this meaning??  Haha... frankly speaking, this is a sweet date for my blind date. Yes, my blind date! Jgn risau, my first blind date with this nice young man ditemani oleh teman rapat ku. (this young man yg minx ak dtg dgn ditemani kenalan rapat.) x jauh dari rumah aku pun kami jumpa since uni dia is quite close to my house (around 10 minutes). So we just met up at his uni. =)

Kami berkenalan di FACEBOOK! Ya FB! Pada mulanya, dia adalah seorang yg quite poyo, quite arrogant, but very intelligent, love to talk n analyze. Otak dia sgt laju berfikir. Student IT. bakal hacker. Maaf lah klu en A terbaca yer. Inilah luahan ikhlas sy ttg anda. =) 3 bulan kwn d fb (klu x silap) then automatically, we just become close to each other. Dnt noe y. There is something that make me close. Bukan chemistry yg penting! ermm actually i like to motivate others. N that is one of the thing that i did to him. Btw, dia muda setahun pada aku. Ble dh kenal lama, hmmm, he is just nice, good attitude n mindset. Proud to be friend with him. Erm, hv a good appearance, high confident level, broad knowledge, very2 good in islamic rules insyaAllah n of cos sensitive. And then, on 5 november 2011 we decide to meet each other on Friday if am not mistaken. That is on 101111.

Tibalah hari yg dijanjikan. Ak dtg bersama kenalan rapat aku. Dia blanje makan cm byk la jugk then jalan2 sekitar kampus dia. What a very nice place x tipu!! And then ble dh nk balik tue bru dia ckp sbnrnye dia nk jumpe on 111111, tp dh terdecide today n takut ble nk redecide both of us dh bz. Maybe btol jgk! Mmg kami sgt bz! N wktu kami jumpa sgt besttt!! Rasa sgt2 dihargai. Eventhough during our conversation on fb n hp, ktorg xdelah rapat sgt, but on that day, he treat me very2 nice and to mr A, i am really2 appreciate it. =)) at the end of the day, i got msg from him tell me that he was very3 happy during our so called date n he hope that we can meet again in future. Me too! ( at that moment) HAHAHA..!! in the nite on 11 pm, i got msg again from him, tittle "personality analysis". u noe what i meant here?? yes, during our so called date, he analyzed and observe me. totally from my characteristics, the way me talk, handle d situation, control others and et cet. overall, i got good result from him. quite suprisd when i got that msg with very detailed content n examples. to mr A, tq so muchh because u try to understand me and i cn c ur effort. ^^      

On the next day, my sister dpt voucher cupcakes promotion. And she bought 2 boxes of cupcakes. Very nice and cute. Delicious too. 1 is red velvet and another one is caramel butterscotch  with free pavlova. Pavlova is one of the most delicious dessert that i ever eat. Cupcakes bykk, but dalam rumah ktorg x ramai orgg sgt. Mama n abah mmg dah out of list sbb dorg x mkn manis. My sister, just makan sikit jer i dnt know y but dia yg beriya nk beli. My brother pun x mkn byk sgt because dia gedik. Muda2 dh nk ada penyakit. * tak fhm. Me pun x mkn byk sgt, sbb xdelah sdp sgt spt yg digambarkan oleh my sister. I rasa kek pisang kt pasar malam jauh lagi sedap. HAHA. Then my younger sister pun xmkn byk sgt. Just so-so. And guest what happened??

Yes, i planned to give the cupcakes to mr A. unfortunately, dia jatuh sakit wktu 2 sbb semalam (on our date) he decide to have lunch with us. However, b4 we r going out, ktorg dh mkn puas2 kt umah. So wktu jumpa xdelah lapar sgt. Then mkn just light food. After that, mr A got gastric already. Pity him seriously. Haiyaa..~~ then dia dh ok dh d day after tomorrow and he already eat my cupcakes. As expected, he like it so much! =) ak hepi sbb bukan ak yg buat. HAHA. D most important thing he snap my cupcakes pic and just upload on his fb with sweet caption. When i saw that, this is what happened to me ^________^ ( HAHAHA...senyum smpai ke telinga). So till the end, thats it from me. Maybe quite bored for all of u, but really a sweet memory for me esp. Thank u so much mr A.

wahh sweet. come to be sweet only after married. ^^
p/s: this is only d beginning. Never ever expected more just because of this bored story. Everything is under control. Dnt worry. n_n

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