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Thursday, June 7, 2012

we r 1 malaysia

warna warni rakyat malaysia
We r 1 malaysia! Penglaman menjalani praktikal di hotel adalah satu pengalaman yg sgt3 berharga n bermakna bg saya. Byk sgt pengalaman n ilmu serta maklumat2 penting yg ak pelajari di sana. Salah satu perkara yg amat menarik perhatian aku ialah cara melayu, india, cina, lain2 bangsa bekerja. Bnda2 2 sume ak salu jadikan benchmark utk aku contohi. Yg baik dijadikan teladan yg buruk dijadikan sempadan. My BIG BOSS is Chinese. Top level management majority dikuasai oleh chinese. What can i say, HOTEL. BUT, sepanjang ak buat intern di situ, surprisingly, sgt menyenang n menggembirakan aku bekerja dgn cina. Plus, tagline of our organization is also simple n sweet. “always greet others when meet up x kisahlah mmg nk jumpa atau terserempak with a good salutation”. Normally, for men executive we call him as “MR”, while for women exec we cn just simply call her as “MS” eventhough dia dh kawin. Lebih mesra kata mereka. N they r rite byw. Mmg lagi mesra. Tmbah lagi dorg mmg sporting.  

Berlandaskan pengalaman aku yg x smpai setahun jagung disitu, ak nmpk byk lg bnda positif dr negative. For example, Chinese people normally, very2 friendly, punctual, respect others, well time management & discipline, open minded as well as business minded, self motivated, futuristic, very high confident level n etc. Yg bad pulak, actually, they all quite racist lar. Sgt ok! Kena hati2. For them, business is business. Jgn buat perangai sudah. Ini je yg aku bulih komen. Dr segi penampilan, Bergaya n updated. ^^

Indian pulak. Mesraaa jugak!. Byk ckp. Quite rough and tempered. Takot ok! Good in time management, self discipline, broad view, certain time they are caring, ambitious, and supportive also. Ermmm then malay, i think they r good enough to adapt new things or environment (some of them). From appearance perspectives, quite bergaya, kemas n beautiful. KUAT BERGOSIP! Kdg2 cm ramai gk hipokrit atau selalu bermuka2. This is only my opinion.

p/S: so apa kata anda pula ttg mereka?? =)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

good in hr good in ur life

professional development is great growth ^^
During my internship program at one of the 4 star hotels in kl, I really observed people there especially on my specialized department, human resource. Mcm2 ragam. Byk org byklah ragam nyer. Dr segi perspektif umur, jantina, jawatan, background culture, experiences and many more, all of them are differences from each other. in my observation, i tend to think that Hr people seriously must updated, most responsible, have leadership skills, empathy and firm, intelligent, have broad knowledge and experience as well as expertise, skills and talents, and sooo on..!! u know what, all of this crucial characteristics was owned by my boss, hr manager. She was really adorable when she cn grab all of this skills and talent. She was multi-tasker, patient enough to handle with problem, really good in management; time, anger, stress, work n etc. And most important she was very awet muda. Sgt jeles. Berdarah campuran sweedish, u cn just imagine how beautiful she is.

In order to cope with era globalization nowadays and technology advancement, we need to moving forward think futuristic. In whatever field u in, understand human resource will enhance ur human being. U wll understand n respect others. Dont denied that every single person in this world love to be respect, love, like, appreciate, acknowledge by others. Treat others as u want they treat u 2 as well. X rugi pun blaja how 2 respect n understand others as basic knowledge. Pls dnt get me wrong. I dnt mean, human resource is the best courses, what i want to stressed on here is learn about human or people before u learn something as else. Becoz in this world, we are interraletd. And u must know, to live in this world u must really consider n taking a very good care on hablun minallah and hablun minannas yakni hubungan degn Allah dan hubungan sesame manusia. When u can holding this 2 thing nicely, u wl hve no enemy. insyAllah.

Not all people in hr field can really understand and learn what is hr is about. they maybe can just learn on theory and understand it,and not application of that theory. Till then, we can only called they r understand enough. I think thats it from me. I need to study since i have 2 more test for next week before going back hometown in conjunction with “gawai holiday”. Yippiiieee..~~!! =)))
me in 5 more years. insyaAllah ^^
p/s: terdapat makna yg tersirat n tersurat di sebalik kata kata n entry i kali ini. Words cant really help me in expressed my feeling. Daa~ ^^

101111 vs 111111

sekadar gambar hiasan ^^

What is this meaning??  Haha... frankly speaking, this is a sweet date for my blind date. Yes, my blind date! Jgn risau, my first blind date with this nice young man ditemani oleh teman rapat ku. (this young man yg minx ak dtg dgn ditemani kenalan rapat.) x jauh dari rumah aku pun kami jumpa since uni dia is quite close to my house (around 10 minutes). So we just met up at his uni. =)

Kami berkenalan di FACEBOOK! Ya FB! Pada mulanya, dia adalah seorang yg quite poyo, quite arrogant, but very intelligent, love to talk n analyze. Otak dia sgt laju berfikir. Student IT. bakal hacker. Maaf lah klu en A terbaca yer. Inilah luahan ikhlas sy ttg anda. =) 3 bulan kwn d fb (klu x silap) then automatically, we just become close to each other. Dnt noe y. There is something that make me close. Bukan chemistry yg penting! ermm actually i like to motivate others. N that is one of the thing that i did to him. Btw, dia muda setahun pada aku. Ble dh kenal lama, hmmm, he is just nice, good attitude n mindset. Proud to be friend with him. Erm, hv a good appearance, high confident level, broad knowledge, very2 good in islamic rules insyaAllah n of cos sensitive. And then, on 5 november 2011 we decide to meet each other on Friday if am not mistaken. That is on 101111.

Tibalah hari yg dijanjikan. Ak dtg bersama kenalan rapat aku. Dia blanje makan cm byk la jugk then jalan2 sekitar kampus dia. What a very nice place x tipu!! And then ble dh nk balik tue bru dia ckp sbnrnye dia nk jumpe on 111111, tp dh terdecide today n takut ble nk redecide both of us dh bz. Maybe btol jgk! Mmg kami sgt bz! N wktu kami jumpa sgt besttt!! Rasa sgt2 dihargai. Eventhough during our conversation on fb n hp, ktorg xdelah rapat sgt, but on that day, he treat me very2 nice and to mr A, i am really2 appreciate it. =)) at the end of the day, i got msg from him tell me that he was very3 happy during our so called date n he hope that we can meet again in future. Me too! ( at that moment) HAHAHA..!! in the nite on 11 pm, i got msg again from him, tittle "personality analysis". u noe what i meant here?? yes, during our so called date, he analyzed and observe me. totally from my characteristics, the way me talk, handle d situation, control others and et cet. overall, i got good result from him. quite suprisd when i got that msg with very detailed content n examples. to mr A, tq so muchh because u try to understand me and i cn c ur effort. ^^      

On the next day, my sister dpt voucher cupcakes promotion. And she bought 2 boxes of cupcakes. Very nice and cute. Delicious too. 1 is red velvet and another one is caramel butterscotch  with free pavlova. Pavlova is one of the most delicious dessert that i ever eat. Cupcakes bykk, but dalam rumah ktorg x ramai orgg sgt. Mama n abah mmg dah out of list sbb dorg x mkn manis. My sister, just makan sikit jer i dnt know y but dia yg beriya nk beli. My brother pun x mkn byk sgt because dia gedik. Muda2 dh nk ada penyakit. * tak fhm. Me pun x mkn byk sgt, sbb xdelah sdp sgt spt yg digambarkan oleh my sister. I rasa kek pisang kt pasar malam jauh lagi sedap. HAHA. Then my younger sister pun xmkn byk sgt. Just so-so. And guest what happened??

Yes, i planned to give the cupcakes to mr A. unfortunately, dia jatuh sakit wktu 2 sbb semalam (on our date) he decide to have lunch with us. However, b4 we r going out, ktorg dh mkn puas2 kt umah. So wktu jumpa xdelah lapar sgt. Then mkn just light food. After that, mr A got gastric already. Pity him seriously. Haiyaa..~~ then dia dh ok dh d day after tomorrow and he already eat my cupcakes. As expected, he like it so much! =) ak hepi sbb bukan ak yg buat. HAHA. D most important thing he snap my cupcakes pic and just upload on his fb with sweet caption. When i saw that, this is what happened to me ^________^ ( HAHAHA...senyum smpai ke telinga). So till the end, thats it from me. Maybe quite bored for all of u, but really a sweet memory for me esp. Thank u so much mr A.

wahh sweet. come to be sweet only after married. ^^
p/s: this is only d beginning. Never ever expected more just because of this bored story. Everything is under control. Dnt worry. n_n

Sunday, May 13, 2012

cerminan yang bersepah

sumpah toleh 6x kali klu jumpa this prince charming ^_^

Betapa kerapnya aku sering menaiki public transport seperti ktm n lrt sewaktu internship program. Sempat ah gk oberserve people around me aka cerminan kpd diri aku sendiri juga. Perkara pertama yg aku sukaaa sgt observe ialah PENAMPILAN. The way they dress really attract me to look at them esp for those who dress up very nicely. For men, of cox penampilan yg kemas, segak n kdg2 sempoi menjadi pilihan aku. While for women, masih di dalam konsep kemas, cantik n sopan. All of these people really makes my heart n eyes cold. HAHAHA...!!! HOWEVER...............there are still a few people yg ble i tgk quite disgusting and annoying. Of kos penampilan yg x ckup kain n overconfident.

Second, ATTITUDE. The way they talking on phone or people besides them. Some of the people yg i x thn ble dia ckp dgn suara yg amat padu seperti komander yg memberi arahan kepada ribuan ank buahnya semasa kawad. Sabar jelah wahai telinga ye. Klu time duduk lak, overall rakyat Malaysia mmg xde masalah nk beri keutamaan kpd lebih memerlukan. Pastu walking type pown aku ske usyar gk. Kn gaya jalan leh menunjukkan type manusia jenis macm mana. Lebih kpd konfiden diri. Seronok observe2 perangai manusia nih. Kdg2 aku observe cara diorg sembang sesame mereka, cuple yg duduk bersama, geng2 yg gelak katawa, yg rancak becerita...semuaaa itu kdg2 menggambarkan diri aku jugak. Klu aku rasa gaya dorg 2 cm x berapa nk cntik, mesti terus aku teringat...”ohhh, agaknya mesti aku pown cm2 gk kot time bercerita..haiyyaa” 

yes im adore her..!! =)
 Sekian saje entry yg x berapa nk penting bg readers yg x minat. Lagipun xde idea nk elaborate. Gangguan otak seketika 2-3 hari ini. =_= 
selamat malam n_n

Thursday, May 10, 2012

lrt vs ktm as my daily routine

tanank dah pergi keje naek train >.<
Ermm spjng intern, pergi keje naik lrt n ktm memanjang. For solid one month, sempat ah jugak membuat sedikit observation ttg pengalamn naik lrt n ktm. Sbnrnya, ke mana sahaja kita berada melambangkan identity Malaysia dan isinya sebagai sebuah Negara yg mcm mana. Secara overall, OKEY LAR. Xde r pulak berlaku insiden menghayat hati, terharu, gembira or what so ever. Evertything is just nice n runs normal as usual.

seindah hiasan adalah wanita solehah. impian ku! insyaAllah.

From attitude perspectives, budak2 dh reti naik lrt. Budak2 yg sek ren 2 naik lrt maen2 jer. Cm naik basikal pergi kedai belakang umah. Its good for them actually. Really2 good. We taught them to be brave. In a way, perlu di stressed kan martial art for them. Takut ah jugak pape jadikan. Remaja pulak. Hurmmmm....x keterlaluan kot klu nk kata some teenagers who don't have a very good attitude for other kids to look at is like barah dalam masyarakat. It is true. Becoz, tgk je cara penampilan, nauzubillah. Islam hanya sekadar nama. (bukan niat nk mengata. segala ayat dlm ayat entry ini ditujukan utk aku dan rakan yg lain utk dijadikan peringatan). Pakaian, makk aiii!! Baik lelaki mahu perempuan. Pesan sy pd adik2 yg sy sayangi sekalian. Jaga diri hiasi peribadi. Dirimu sungguh amat2 bermakna. Kamu jer x nmpak. Tapi percayalah, walau apa pun kekurangan diri, Allah dh jadikan kita kaum wanita ini sebaik2 umat n seindah hiasan adalah wanita solehah. Semua org boleh jadi wanita solehah n seindah hiasan pada yg berhak. Ingat syurga rakan2 ku sekalian. Itu lah destinasi kita sebenarnya. Usah hanyut dengan gambaran palsu keindahan dunia ini. Couple pulak. Ermmmmm....... annoying mmg annoying. Rasa cm kesian pown ada sbb dorg cm dikaburi dgn kebahagian n kegembiraan sementara yg x terhingga. Org mcm ni buat apa pun x jalan selagi x kena kt btg idung sendiri. (Ya Allah jauhkan lah aku dan ahli keluarga ku dari segala jenis kemaksiatan). Xperlulah nk tunjukkan cinta haram depan public. Kami yg tgk ni pun akan tambah dosa. Anda pulak akan tambah 2x gnda dosa. Yg saya suka tgk adalh husband n wife naik lrt bersama dgn anak2 tercinta. Sooo sweet!! Happy family. =)) byk ah jugak dpt tgk perangai2 every single family. Menceriakan hidup ku swaktu naik lrt. =)) n nex is warga emas n org sakit. X berapa ramai. Tapii klu ada yg naik, sesungguhnya rakyat Malaysia sgt bagus! Mereka akan sentiasa diberi keutamaan dgn penuh keikhlasan. =) . n last foreigner. I suka tgk foreigner yg hot2 mcm artis jer haha. Sbb most of them very gud in attitude. Some of the foreigner really expert at jalan2 sekitar kl as compared to me. “what an embarrassing thing” *sigh. =_=”

halamak pic x clear..!! haa, 2 depa dok serbu 2 train lah tuh. sume pakat serbu bagai ada 1 keretapi satu hari.

Dari segi masa pulak, tolong jangan naik waktu peak hour...ouhhh plishhhhh!! DO NOT. Tapi if u all rasa cm nk dok kat environment Negara kelas ketiga silakan. =) one of my experience during peak hour is really disaster exp for ktm. Nk balik keje around 5.30pm. wuahhhhhh..~~ dihimpit bagai sardine dalam botol budu tahu x. Sempittt dihimpit lalu terhimpit. Muka takyah ckp ah kn. Dh r balik keje comot2, naik ketapi yg dah sedia ramai tuuuu, aduhaiiiii muka pown cm sardine ah senang cter. After peristiwa tue, i lebih rela balik sejam lambat dari kena himpit tolak demi tolakan bertubi2 at last still xdpt naik ketapi n kena tggu another half an hour. Uuhhhh disaster gler!! Klu dpt naek x kesah ah kena tolakkan kena himpit pown sebb satu stesyen je pown.

Luxury Petronas Tower Interior Design in Malaysia

And last from building or construction view n perpsektif. Ermmmmm.....so far so great. What an excellent country Malaysia is. Very hot, superb n creative buildings nowadays. Bila tgk company yg berdiri dgn megah dan gahnya terasa mcm nk hantar resume disitu. Walaupun tahu yg cabaran2 nyer bukan calang2. Ermm tgk ah nanti on one fine day.

women on a mission to earn commission haha ^^
 p/s: ble tgk bangunan gah2 n mewah2. Terdetik rasa dihati ingin mempunyai kehidupan yg sederhana mewah spt makan di restoran eksklusif or hotel, bekerja di company international yg super duper excellent, mempunyai kehidupan yg sgt bahagia n supportive. What a great super duper lovey dovey imagination. Tapiiii...x salah utk berangan kerana kdg2 impian 2 hanya dtg dgn bermula dari impian yg penuh fantasi. ^_^

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3rd day internship

Assalamualaikum wbt. Salam penuh kemesraan kepada semua. Mengimbas kembali zaman praktikal saya di salah sebuah hotel terkemuka di ibu kota awal thn ini, teringat saya pada hari ke 3 saya menjalani latihan praktikal di situ. Wuahh...sgtt bz oke!! Pd mulanya, di hr office itu ada 2 org staff. That is hr coordinator n hr contract. Unfortunately, HRC itu dh nk habes contract dh then sy akan smbung keje dia as well as keje hr exec yg baru resign. Jadi teramatlah bz. Sy kena handle bebrapa keje hr exec spt membuat training program menggunakan excel. Ye, dgr spt mudah namun hakikatnye sy mengambil masa hampir 3 hari utk meyiapkannya. 

gambar sekadar hiasan *kalau lah. . . . .  =))

The best thing practical kt situ ialah ramaii org hndsomee..!! yee x tipu. Xdelah ramai sgt tapi klu yg hnsome 2 betul2 ah nsome. Cm mix korea ada, Hindustan ada mat salleh ada, pure malay ada n sooo on. Bukanlah nk menunjukkan site gatai aku, tpi semua org kena akui bahawa semua manusia sukakan keindahan. X salah memuji asal jgn smpai tahap memuja. The most hot person i think so far are khairul from receptionist and mr aerel from IT dept. Perrgghh..!! @_@
yes, my manager hot like this!!
Hermm lagi satu my manager. Wuahh very superb. Dh lah cun, gorgeous, educated, intelligent, baikk sgtt n very professional. First time I saw her, “wahh, cantik jgk. Umur dalam 40++, very nice n smart appearance as well as attractive personality. Other than that, she was very excellent in communication skill. Salute! The moral values that I learned so far are, everybody loves “keindahan”. So actually, I am always trying 2 b “indah” n professional. Becoz this is what people really loves. Ermmm n then, respect others, b professional n serious and also alert too! Supaya org tidak menindas kita. Plis bear in mind.

p/s: entry kali ini bukan sengaja hendak memuji kosong. Tpi seriously itu yg aku rasa n itu yg aku ingin luahkan di blog peribadi aku ini. Sedikit sebanyak terselit sedikit pengajaran utk dijadikan iktibar n sdikit pengalamn utk dikongsi bersama. ini adalah dari perspektif aku berfikir, adakalanya mungkin org pk im so terror at exaggerate but this is seriously what i am thnking n feel about. TQ ^^


study smart in ur life! =)

Waktu aku praktikal, ttibe aku rasa mcm “halamakkk, rugiinyerr dulu ak x stadia btol2”. Ye ah, aku stadi utk jgka pendek jer. Kuar je dewan exam mang aku campak semua benda yg x berkaitan dr dalam otak aku ke luar. Per gler hebat kn?? Itulah manusia sombong dan berlagak akhirnya baru menyesal. =_= ......... ermmm, seriously aku rasa semuaaaa bnda yg aku stadi kt uni dulu byk jgk membantu aku semasa aku jalani latihan amali praktikal. Contoh cm handle Microsoft office. Nilah contoh plg besar. Ble aku diberi task utk handle excel dgn lebih details, design interface and so on..perrr mmg aku tercengang glerr tuuu... bukan tak tahu, Cuma x ingat n xdpt perform dgn excellent. Agak mengecewakan n menyesal kerana bnda aku tahu tapi tak dpt buat.

Ermm lagi satu ttg sek rendah n menegah. Wktu sek rendah aku menyesal x blaja hukum tajwid dgn penuh tekun n baik sekali. Walau bagaimanapun, aku reti baca Quran dgn baik sekali insyaAllah. Selain dr itu, ttg kisah2 nabi n sejarah islam. Oh Allah sesungguhnya betapa hinanya aku sbb xdpt menguasai ilmu2 islam itu dgn sebaiknya. Oh lg satu ilmu matematik n English. Haiyaaa..~ >.< hal ini kerana, ketika di uni totally 100% englsh.

Sewaktu di sek men, masih lagi dgn masalah bahasa English n matematik. And also presentation. Hamekkkk...masuk uni bnda nih semua adalah major courses yg perlu aku ambil utk tamatkan pengajian. Tapi alhamdullilah insyaAllah aku boleh buat dgn sbeaik mungkin.Ketika di uni, agak byk jugak masalah yg menimpa aku dr segi communication n social skills. Wt cn i do. Allah nk uji. Sesungguhnya ia amatlah meyakitkan n menggeramkan ble berhadapan dgn org2 yg kurg matang n degil serta baran.

 P/s: secara keseluruhan, sepanjang hidup 22 thn, aku baru fhm ttg erti sabar n keindahan disebaliknya. Sebelum aku menjadi buluh, lebih baik aku menanam sifat sabar n menjadi sabar utk terus idup sbg mukmin yg sejati n berjihad ke jalan Allah. InsyaAllah.