warna warni rakyat malaysia |
Berlandaskan pengalaman aku yg x smpai setahun jagung disitu, ak nmpk byk lg bnda positif dr negative. For example, Chinese people normally, very2 friendly, punctual, respect others, well time management & discipline, open minded as well as business minded, self motivated, futuristic, very high confident level n etc. Yg bad pulak, actually, they all quite racist lar. Sgt ok! Kena hati2. For them, business is business. Jgn buat perangai sudah. Ini je yg aku bulih komen. Dr segi penampilan, Bergaya n updated. ^^
Indian pulak. Mesraaa jugak!. Byk ckp. Quite rough and tempered. Takot ok! Good in time management, self discipline, broad view, certain time they are caring, ambitious, and supportive also. Ermmm then malay, i think they r good enough to adapt new things or environment (some of them). From appearance perspectives, quite bergaya, kemas n beautiful. KUAT BERGOSIP! Kdg2 cm ramai gk hipokrit atau selalu bermuka2. This is only my opinion.
p/S: so apa kata anda pula ttg mereka?? =)